This country wedding was so much fun! From Phil's Barbecue to the Johnny Cash cover band how could you not have a good time. Amy and Copeland were a delight to be around and you couldn't help but smile when you were in their presence.
With Heidi's first pregnancy we did something intimate so with her second pregnancy I thought it would be nice to do something completely different. By the time Heidi picked me up from the airport we had not decided on what we wanted to do for her photos yet. As we drove out of the Sacramento airport it wasn't long before we were surrounded by beautiful open spaces of land, animals and farmhouses. While looking out the window I felt more at peace than I had in awhile. That's when I knew what I wanted to do for Heidi's photo shoot!
This beach day was one of those windy, cooler days. I think Grace was a little cold but she was a trooper and I know where she gets it from... mom took a fall and skid up both her knees on the pavement. OUCH!!! She just got up and went on as though there was no pain. Every time I looked down I had to squint at both bloody knees. This is one enduring family, nothing seems to hold them back.
I was up North for a photo shoot and I was driving back to where I was staying and I had to stop to take these pictures. You can't tell from the photos but I had to jump over a small ditch and balance my arms over a barb wire fence. That little white spot on the third photo is the moon. The wide angle lens I was using gave the scene an interesting perspective.
Can you believe Emma is not even two years old yet and she has all that gorgeous hair? She gets her beautiful locks from her mom. Watch out dad you better dead bolt the door now!!! We had fun running non stop, it's amazing I got her attention at all.
Cyndi wanted intimate photos for her maternity photo shoot so we decided to shoot at their home. Brian was patient while while Cindi and I played dress up and rearranged their living room to get the perfect shots. I can't wait to shoot their wedding next month and meet the little guy.
Every summer there is a classic car show on Thursday nights in Downtown La Mesa. For about five blocks on each side there are the most beautiful cars in many different colors and models lined up. Each one has it's very own personal details. What I love most about the cars is their hood ornaments. Who would have thought to put a mini replica of the car itself on the hood? Somebody did!
Bryton has the most amazing blue eyes and isn't he adorable? I'm not surprised since both his parents look like they stepped out of a Vogue magazine. Poor Marci was at work but it was nice seeing father and son hanging out together.
Congratulation's Don and Suzanne on your 50th anniversary and Happy Birthday Don!!!! The happy couple are an inspiration to all of us. Capturing this life long love was amazing in so many ways. Every detail was created in a way to emulate the exact wedding from fifty years ago. They had the original dress, (the women who designed it was also present), the tie, guest book, newspaper clippings, cake topper (wow) and if you can believe it the bridesmaid and groomsman. Their whole day was recreated as if no time had passed.
This engagement party was striking! I love the intricate clothing and the vivid colors. The food was wonderful, the dancing was great and everyone was so friendly.
In February YaYa (grandma) flew in from Hawaii to visit the Smith family. Naturally we had to plan a photo shoot. After the shoot Catherine asked me if I could design a print inspired by Andy Warhol. Here is the original photo and the design I came up with.
Earlier this year I took a trip with Kristi to an amazing little town up the coast called Cayucas. This little town was gorgeous! Looking toward the west was the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Toward the east were amazing green hills and perfect auburn color cows. I felt like I was in the middle of a life size painting. I didn’t take as many pictures as I would have liked because I spent most of my time hanging out with "the girls" on this lovely mini vacation in the most beautiful little beach town. I’ve included a photo of the town itself, the gorgeous green hills, and the father who carried his little boy down the beach in his own peaceful state not knowing I took his photo.